Tuesday 12 January 2016

मैथीदाना, अजवाईन, काली जीरी

250 ग्राम मैथीदाना
ग्राम अजवाईन
ग्राम काली जीरी
उपरोक्त तीनो चीजों को साफ-सुथरा करके हल्का-हल्का सेंकना(ज्यादा सेंकना नहीं) तीनों को अच्छी तरह मिक्स करके मिक्सर में पावडर बनाकर डिब्बा-शीशी या बरनी में भर लेवें ।
रात्रि को सोते समय चम्मच पावडर एक गिलास पूरा कुन-कुना पानी के साथ लेना है।
गरम पानी के साथ ही लेना अत्यंत आवश्यक है लेने के बाद कुछ भी खाना पीना नहीं है।
यह चूर्ण सभी उम्र के व्यक्ति ले सकतें है।
चूर्ण रोज-रोज लेने से शरीर के कोने-कोने में जमा पडी गंदगी(कचरा) मल और पेशाब द्वारा बाहर निकल जाएगी ।
पूरा फायदा तो 80-90 दिन में महसूस करेगें, जब फालतू चरबी गल जाएगी, नया शुद्ध खून का संचार होगा । चमड़ी की झुर्रियाॅ अपने आप दूर हो जाएगी। शरीर तेजस्वी, स्फूर्तिवाला व सुंदर बन जायेगा ।
गठिया दूर होगा और गठिया जैसा जिद्दी रोग दूर हो जायेगा ।
हड्डियाँ मजबूत होगी ।
आॅख का तेज बढ़ेगा ।
बालों का विकास होगा।
पुरानी कब्जियत से हमेशा के लिए मुक्ति।
शरीर में खुन दौड़ने लगेगा ।
कफ से मुक्ति ।
हृदय की कार्य क्षमता बढ़ेगी ।
थकान नहीं रहेगी, घोड़े की तहर दौड़ते जाएगें।
स्मरण शक्ति बढ़ेगी ।
स्त्री का शारीर शादी के बाद बेडोल की जगह सुंदर बनेगा ।
कान का बहरापन दूर होगा ।
भूतकाल में जो एलाॅपेथी दवा का साईड इफेक्ट से मुक्त होगें।
खून में सफाई और शुद्धता बढ़ेगी ।
शरीर की सभी खून की नलिकाएॅ शुद्ध हो जाएगी ।
दांत मजबूत बनेगा, इनेमल जींवत रहेगा ।
डायबिटिज काबू में रहेगी, डायबिटीज की जो दवा लेते है वह चालू रखना है। इस चूर्ण का असर दो माह लेने के बाद से दिखने लगेगा ।
जीवन निरोग,आनंददायक, चिंता रहित स्फूर्ति दायक और आयुष्ययवर्धक बनेगा ।
जीवन जीने योग्य बनेगा ।
राधे-राधे- जय श्रीकृष्णा राधे-राधे- 
भगवान आपकी सहायता करे ....
धन्यवाद ।

Rice water preparation

A light to digest rice water preparation that improves digestion, provides nourishment and hydrates the body. Also beneficial for pregnant women.
14 parts water
1 part organic brown rice
pinches of salt, fresh ground ginger, cumin Paste of fresh coriander leaves two teaspoon
Salt according to taste.
Method of Preparation
Bring water and rice to a boil.
Allow to boil for 1 hour or until the rice becomes swollen and broken.
Stir and strain
out rice. However it is not necessary to strain out small pieces of rice.
Add a pinch each of ginger, ground cumin and salt.
Add paste of coriander leaves.
This drink should be of thin consistency, so that one can drink easily.
Medicinal Properties
recipe is easily digestible and very helpful for hyperemesis gravidarum (vomiting during pregnancy). It is good recipe for diarrhea and indigestion.
Dosha Analysis
The recipe pacifies all three doshas i.e. vata, pitta and kapha. Odan is light as to not
increase vata, we have garnished with spices. It should be consumed warm and freshly cooked
Health benefits:
    Provides energy
    Successfully prevents gastroenteritis
    Excellent in preventing cancer
    Regulates body temperature
    Prevents and cures constipation
Drinking the water in which rice is cooked is really good as it can boost your energy levels. In India, farmers generally drink cooked rice water before they start their laborious work in the fields. They stay energetic throughout the day in spite of their hard work in the fields, thanks to rice water.
Rice water can be a good source of carbohydrates. If you are looking for a healthy source of carbohydrates, try drinking rice water.

Roasted Sweet Powdered Sesame

A tasty way to reap the great benefits of sesame. Nourishes your skin, hair, memory, intelligence and digestion.
    Raw sesame seeds 100 grams
    Powdered raw sugar 100 grams
Method of Preparation
    Take a pan with a heavy base and warm it on the stove.
    Put in sesame seeds and roast on low fire till they become a little brown.
    Be careful not to burn the seeds.
    Take it off the fire and let cool. Now, grind these seeds into a coarse powder.
    Add powdered raw sugar and mix well.
    Store in an airtight container.
    This is an excellent snack in winters!
Medicinal Properties
It is warm in nature and therefore great for winters. It is good for the skin and hair. It gives strength and helps in polyurea. It increases memory and intelligence. It is also helpful in increasing the digestive fire. It is a good aphrodisiac and provides good physique.
Sesame seeds are full of calcium, magnesium, copper, vitamin B1, zinc and dietary fiber. They offer the most nutritional value when the entire seed is used (un-hulled).
These multi-tasking seeds are also rich in sesamin and sesamolin, fibers called lignans that can lower cholesterol and help prevent high blood pressure.
Dosha Analysis
Sesame seeds increase pitta and kapha, but pacify vata dosha. However, roasted sweet sesame seeds balance all the three doshas.
If you do not wish to add raw sugar, you may skip it. However in that case, the recipe would taste pungent and increase pitta in the body. Therefore, pitta persons can add fresh unsalted butter to the powdered roasted sesame seeds and eat (10 grams of fresh butter may be added to two-table spoon of powdered roasted sesame seeds). This will help pacify the pitta dosha.