Friday 22 December 2017


An aphrodisiac is a medicine that improves virility and sexual performance, boosts libido, and treats disorders of the male reproductive system.
  1. Aphrodisiac agents are helpful for treating erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, oligospermia and other health concerns of men’s health.
  2. Aphrodisiac induces spermatogenesis, which helps to increase sperm count.
  3. Aphrodisiacs are useful for improving semen quality and sperm morphology.
  4. These substances improve libido and increase sexual pleasure.

Types of Aphrodisiac

Generally, Aphrodisiac medicine can be categorized into five main types:
  1. Spermatogenic
  2. Erectogenic
  3. Performance Booster
  4. Libido booster
  5. Semen Detoxifier and Quality Enhancer


This type of Aphrodisiac medicine increases sperm production by stimulating spermatogenesis. Therefore, this type of aphrodisiac is used to increase sperm count.


  1. Oligospermia - low number of sperm
  2. Impaired spermatogenesis


  • Asparagus Racemosus
  • Microstylis Wallichii
  • Mucuna Pruriens
  • Polygonatum Verticillatum
  • Roscoea Procera
  • Withania Somnifera


This type of Aphrodisiac induces firm erection of penile tissue. These drugs have stimulant action. It increases blood circulation to the tissue and helps to improve ejaculatory functions.


  1. Erectile Dysfunction or Impotence
  2. Reduced firmness of penile tissue


  • Anacyclus Pyrethrum
  • Cannabis Sativa
  • Cassia Occidentalis
  • Myristica Fragrans
  • Strychnos Nux Vomica

Performance Booster

This type of Aphrodisiac improves sexual performance, increases the time of intercourse and sustains an erection for a longer period. However, these are not an erectogenic stimulant, but assists erectogenic agents for sustaining the erection by providing strength, increasing endurance, and improving stamina.


  1. Early Discharge (Premature Ejaculation)


  • Asparagus Racemosus
  • Cannabis Sativum
  • Cinnamomum Tamala
  • Glycyrrhiza Glabra
  • Mucuna Pruriens
  • Sida Cordifolia
  • Withania Somnifera

Libido booster

Such drugs improve the sexual desire.


  1. Loss of Libido


  • Anacyclus Pyrethrum
  • Asparagus Racemosus
  • Datura Stramonium
  • Hibiscus Abelmoschus
  • Papaver Somniferum
  • Withania Somnifera

Semen Detoxifier and Quality Enhancer

Drugs that improve the quality of sperm and semen content are sperm quality enhancers. These are used for detoxification of the semen content.


  1. Impaired spermatogenesis
  2. Teratospermia – defective or abnormal spermatic morphology
  3. Pyospermia (leukocytospermia)


  • Anthocephalus Cadamba
  • Myrica Nagi
  • Saussurea Lappa
  • Sesamum Indicum
  • Triphala
  • Vetiveria Zizanioides
Note: A specific herb or ayurvedic medicine can have several medicinal properties, so it can also be an erectogenic as well as may acts as a libido booster. For example, Anacyclus Pyrethrum is also erectogenic as well as libido booster.

Sunday 17 December 2017

आमवात क्या है

            मुख्य लक्षण

इसमें जोड़ों में दर्द व सूजन रहती है। शरीर में संचारी वेदना होती है अर्थात दर्द कभी हाथों में होता है तो कभी पैरों में ।

मसुजन सहित शरीर के जोडों मे दर्द ,भुख कम लगना, आलस्य, शरीर मे भारीपन,मंद ज्वर,कटि शूल, और भोजन का पूरी तरह से परिपाक न होना, मुख के स्वाद का बदल जाना,दिन मे नींद आना और रात मे नींद का न आना, अधिक पुराना होने पर शरीर के जोडो मे विकृति आकर अंग मुड जाते है।


 इस रोग में अधिकांशतः उपचार के पूर्व लंघन आवश्यक है तथा  प्रात: पानी प्रयोग एवं रेत या अँगीठी (सिगड़ी) का सेंक लाभदायक है। 

3 ग्राम सोंठ को 10 से 20 मि.ली. (1-2 चम्मच) अरण्डी के तेल के साथ खायें।

250 मि.ली. दूध एवं उतने ही पानी में दो लहसुन की कलियाँ, 1-1 चम्मच सोंठ और हरड़ तथा 1-1 दालचीनी और छोटी इलायची डालकर पकायें। 
पानी जल जाने पर वही दूध पीयें।

           आहार - विहार व्यवस्था-

 जल्दी पचने वाला, लघु, उष्ण, और कम मात्रा मे आहार ग्रहण करे, लस्सी, चावल, ठन्डा पानी, कोल्ड ड्रिन्क्स, भारी खाना, तला हुआ भोजन, आदि से परहेज रखें। परवल और करेले या अन्य कटु साग सव्जीयों का प्रयोग ज्यादा करें , हमेशा कोष्ण जल का प्रयोग करें।

पथ्य----- जौ, कुल्थी की दाल, करेला, बथुआ, परवल, एरण्ड का तैल, अजवायन,पराने चावल, शहद, लहसून, सोंठ, मेथी, हल्दी का नित्य सेवन करें।

अपथ्य-------वेगावरोध,चिन्ता करना, शोक करना, दूध गुड, दुध मांस, दुध मछली, का सेवन, रात मे जागना, भारी खाना, अत्यधिक चिकने पदार्थों का सेवन।

आमवात मे हमेशा गर्म बालु रेत की पोटली बनाकर प्रभावित अंग को सेके और एक घन्टा तक हवा न लगने दें।

Friday 15 December 2017


शिलाजीत से क्या फायदे होते हैं?

आयुर्वेद में शिलाजीत के स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य लाभों को बहुत पहले ही परख लिया गया था। शिलाजीत एक बलपुष्टिकारक, ओजवर्द्धक और दौर्बल्यनाशक दवा मानी जाती है। शिलाजीत देखने में काले तारकोल की तरह होती है। यह पत्थर की शिलाओं में ही पैदा होता है इसलिए इसे शिलाजीत कहा जाता है। शिलाजीत खाने से क्या फायदे होते हैं ? 

शिलाजीत हमारे शरीर के कई रोग जैसे, त्‍वचा, बाल, पेट, इम्‍यूनिटी, उम्र का बढ़ना, बाझपन, कफ, चर्बी, मधुमेह, श्वास, मिर्गी, बवासीर, गठिया की सूजन, कोढ़, पथरी, पेट के कीड़े तथा कई अन्य रोगों को नष्ट करने में सहायक होती है।

शिलाजीत का सेवन दूध, पानी या फिर फलों के रस के साथ करना चाहिये। अगर आप इस भाग-दौड़ भरी जिंदगी से थक गए हैं और शरीर में थोड़ी सी ऊर्जा चाहते हैं, तो शिलाजीत का सेवन नियमित रूप से करना प्रारंभ कर दें। आइये जानते हैं इस खास जड़ी-बूटी के स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य लाभ…

     आइये जानते हैं शिलाजीत से होने वाले 
               फायदे के बारे में :-
उम्र घटाए: उच्च ऊर्जा और जैव उत्पादक गुणों से भरी शीलाजित नई कोशिकाओं को दुबारा बनाती है और पुरानी कोशिकाओं को मेंटेन करती है, जिससे उम्र कम लगती है।

मधुमेह ठीक करे: अच्‍छी डाइट और शिलाजीत का नियमित सेवन ब्‍लड शुगर लेवल को बैलेंस कर के मधुमेह को कंट्रोल करता है।

ऊजा बढ़ाए: शिलजीत के सेवन से शरीर में तुरंत ही ऊर्जा आती है। इससे प्रोटीन और विटामिन ज्‍यादा मात्रा में मिलता है।

रक्‍त शुद्धी : यह नसों में खून के सर्कुलेशन को बढाती है और बीमारी को दूर रखने में मदद करती है।

शरीर की सूजन मिटाए: यह आपके स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य को बना सकती है। अगर आपके शरीर में दर्द, सूजन या गठिया रोग है तो, शिलाजीत को रोजाना प्रयोग करें।

दिमाग की शक्ति बढाए: ये तनाव , थकान को मिटा कर नर्वस सिस्टम को मज़बूत बनाती है। यह याददाश्त को तेज बनाती है और ध्‍यान को केन्‍द्रित करने में मदद करती है।

पुरुष यौन शक्ति में वृद्धि: शिलाजीत पुरुष प्रजनन प्रणाली और कामेच्छा को बढ़ाती है। यह नपुंसकता और प्रीमिच्‍योर इजैक्‍यूलेशन की समस्‍या को दूर करती है।

हड्डियों की बीमारी दूर करे: यह हमारी हड्डियों में मजबूती भरती है और गठिया तथा जोड़ों आदि के दर्द से राहत दिलाती है।

तनाव दूर करे: यह तनाव पैदा करने वाले हार्मोन को बैलेंस करती है और शरीर तथा दिमाग को शांत और स्‍वस्‍थ बनाती है।

धात गिरना- ये होता क्यों है?

            धत रोग के लक्षण, उपाय,
             और देसी घरेलु उपाय


आज के युग में अनैतिक सोच और अश्लीलता के बढ़ने के कारण आजकल युवक और युवती अक्सर अश्लील फिल्मे देखते और पढते है तथा गलत तरीके से अपने वीर्य और रज को बर्बाद करते है! अधिकतर लड़के-लड़कीयां अपने ख्यालों में ही शारीरिक संबंध बनाना भी शुरू कर देते है!

जिसके कारण उनका लिंग अधिक देर तक उत्तेजना की अवस्था में बना रहता है, और लेस ज्यादा मात्रा में बहनी शुरू हो जाती है! और ऐसा अधिकतर होते रहने पर एक वक़्त ऐसा भी आता है! जब स्थिति अधिक खराब हो जाती है और किसी लड़की का ख्याल मन में आते ही उनका लेस (वीर्य) बाहर निकल जाता है, और उनकी उत्तेजना शांत हो जाती है! ये एक प्रकार का रोग है जिसे शुक्रमेह कहते है!

वैसे इस लेस में वीर्य का कोई भी अंश देखने को नहीं मिलता है! लेकिन इसका काम पुरुष यौन-अंग की नाली को चिकना और गीला करने का होता है जो सम्बन्ध बनाते वक़्त वीर्य की गति से होने वाले नुकसान से लिंग को बचाता है!


धात रोग का प्रमुख कारण क्या है? 

अधिक कामुक और अश्लील विचार रखना!
मन का अशांत रहना!

अक्सर किसी बात या किसी तरह का दुःख मन में होना!

दिमागी कमजोरी होना!

व्यक्ति के शरीर में पौषक पदार्थो और तत्वों व विटामिन्स की कमी हो जाने पर!

किसी बीमारी के चलते अधिक दवाई लेने पर 
व्यक्ति का शरीर कमजोर होना और उसकी प्रतिरोधक श्रमता की कमी होना!

अक्सर किसी बात का चिंता करना

पौरुष द्रव का पतला होना

यौन अंगो के नसों में कमजोरी आना

अपने पौरुष पदार्थ को व्यर्थ में निकालना व नष्ट करना (हस्तमैथुन अधिक करना)

            ★धात रोग के लक्षण क्या है?★

मल मूत्र त्याग में दबाव की इच्छा महसूस होना! 
धात रोग का इशारा करती है! 

लिंग के मुख से लार का टपकना!

पौरुष वीर्य का पानी जैसा पतला होना!

शरीर में कमजोरी आना!

छोटी सी बात पर तनाव में आ जाना!

हाथ पैर या शरीर के अन्य हिस्सों में कंपन या कपकपी होना!

पेट रोग से परेशान रहना या साफ़ न होना, कब्ज होना!
सांस से सम्बंधित परेशानी, श्वास रोग या खांसी होना!

शरीर की पिंडलियों में दर्द होना!

कम या अधिक चक्कर आना!

शरीर में हर समय थकान महसूस करना!

चुस्ती फुर्ती का खत्म होना!

मन का अप्रसन्न रहना और किसी भी काम में मन ना लगना इसके लक्षणों को दर्शाता है!

          ■धात रोग के आयुर्वेदिक उपाय■

गिलोय ( Tinospora ) : धात रोग से मुक्ति प्राप्त करने के लिए 2 चम्मच गिलोय के रस में 1 चम्मच शहद मिलकर लेना चाहिए!

आंवले ( Amla ) :  प्रतिदिन सुबह के वक़्त खाली पेट दो चम्मच आंवले के रस को शहद के साथ लें! इससे जल्द ही धात पुष्ट होने लगती है! सुबह शाम आंवले के चूर्ण को दूध में मिला कर लेने से भी धात रोग में बहूत लाभ मिलता है!

तुलसी ( Basil ):  3 से 4 ग्राम तुलसी के बीज और थोड़ी सी मिश्री दोनों को मिलाकर दोपहर का खाना खाने के बाद खाने से जल्दी ही लाभ होता है!

मुसली ( White Asparagus Abscendens ):  अगर 10 ग्राम सफ़ेद मुसली का चूर्ण में मिश्री मिलाकर खाया जाए और उसके बाद ऊपर से लगभग 500 ग्राम गाय का दूध पी लें तो अत्यंत लाभ करी होता है! इस उपाय से शरीर को अंदरूनी शक्ति मिलती है और व्यक्ति के शरीर को रोगों से लड़ने के लिए शक्ति मिलती है!

उड़द की दाल ( Udad Pulses ) : अगर उड़द की दाल को पीसकर उसे खांड में भुन लिया जाए और खांड में मिलाकर खाएं तो भी जबरदस्त लाभ जल्दी ही मिलता है!

जामुन की गुठली ( Kernels of Blackberry ): जामुन की गुठलियों को धुप में सुखाकर उसका पाउडर बना लें और उसे रोज दूध के साथ खाएं! कुछ हफ़्तों में करने पर ही आपका धात गिरना बंद हो जायेगा!

कौंच के बीज ( Kaunch Seeds ): अगर आपका वीर्य पतला है तो 100 – 100 ग्राम की मात्रा में मखाने (Dryfruit) और कौंच के बीज लेकर उन्हें पीस कर उनका चूर्ण बना लें और फिर उसमे 200 ग्राम पीसी हुई मिश्री मिला लें! अब इस मिश्रण के रोज  (आधा) ½ चम्मच को गुनगुने दूध में मिलाकर पियें! इससे आपका जल्द ही बहूत अधिक लाभ मिलेगा!

शतावरी मुलहठी ( Asparagus Liquorices ) :  50 ग्राम शतावरी, 50 ग्राम मुलहठी, 25 ग्राम छोटी इलायची के बीज, 25 ग्राम बंशलोचन, 25 ग्राम शीतलचीनी और 4 ग्राम बंगभस्म, 50 ग्राम सालब मिसरी लेकर इन सभी सामग्रियो को सुखाकर बारीक पिस लें! पीसने के बाद इसमे 60 ग्राम चाँदी का वर्क मिलाएं और प्राप्त चूर्ण को (60 ग्राम ) सुबह-शाम गाय के दूध के साथ लें! 

                       ■धातु दवा■

कौंचबीज बीज 100 ग
आवला चुर्ण     100 ग
तुलसी बीज     100 ग
कीकर फली     100 ग 
सतावरी           100 ग
सफेद मूसली    100 ग
मिश्री              100 ग

सभी लो मिलाकर चुर्ण बनाए।

कैसे सेवन करे।
दिन में 3 बार 1-1चमच्च पानी से ले।
कम से कम 21 दिन कोर्स करे।
अगर पुराना धातु रोग है तो 90 दिन कोर्स करे।

खःटी वस्तु न ले।
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ये उपाय पुराने से भी पुराने धात रोग को ठीक कर देता है!

Tuesday 14 November 2017

खांसी और कफ

खांसी और कफ का करे घर मे इलाज

■ धीमी आंच में लोहे के तवे पर बेल की पत्तियों को डालकर भूनते-भूनते जला डालें। फिर उन्हें पीसकर ढक्कन बन्द डिब्बे में रख लें और दिन में तीन या चार बार सुबह, दोपहर, शाम और रात सोते समय एक माशा मात्रा में 10 ग्राम शहद के साथ चटायें, कुछ ही दिनों के सेवन से कुकुर खांसी ठीक हो जाती हैै। यह दवा हर प्रकार की खांसी में लाभ करती है।

■ पान का पत्ता 1 नग, हरड़ छोटी 1 नग, हल्दी आधा ग्राम, अजवायन 1 ग्राम, काला नमक आवश्यकतानुसार, एक गिलास पानी में डालकर पकायें आधा गिलास रहने पर गरम-गरम दिन में दो बार पियें । इससे कफ पतला होकर निकल जायेगा। रात्रि में सरसों के तेल की मालिश गले तथा छाती व पसलियों  में करें।

■ सूखी खांसी होने पर अमृर्ताण्व रस सुबह-शाम पानी से लेनी चाहिए।

■सितोपलादि चूर्ण शहद में मिलाकर चाटने से खांसी में आराम मिलता है।

■ तालिसादि चूर्ण दिन भर में दो-तीन बार लेने से खांसी में कमी आती है।

यह दवा आप पन्सारी से ले सकते हैं

■ हल्दी, गुड़ और पकी फिटकरी का चूर्ण मिलाकर गोलियां बनाकर लेने से खांसी कम होती है।

■ तुलसी, काली मिर्च और अदरक की चाय खांसी में सबसे बढि़या रहती हैं।

■गुनगुने पानी से गरारे करने से गले को भी आराम मिलता है और खांसी भी कम होती है।

■सूखी खांसी में काली मिर्च को पीसकर घी में भूनकर लेना भी अच्छा रहता है।

■ हींग, त्रिफला, मुलहठी और मिश्री को नीबू के रस में मिलाकर लेने से खांसी कम करने में मदद मिलती है।

■ त्रिफला और शहद बराबर मात्रा में मिलाकर लेने से भी फायदा होता है।

■पीपली, काली मिर्च, सौंठ और मुलहठी का चूर्ण बनाकर चौथाई चम्मच शहद के साथ लेना अच्छा रहता है।

■पान का पत्ता और थोड़ी-सी अजवायन पानी में चुटकी भर काला नमक व शहद मिलाकर लेना भी खांसी में लाभदायक होता है। खासकर बच्चों के लिए।

■बताशे में काली मिर्च डालकर चबाने से भी खांसी में कमी आती है।

■ खांसी से बचने के सावधानी बरतते हुए फ्रिज में रखी ठंडी चीजों को न खाएं। धुएं और धूल से बचें।

Friday 10 November 2017

6 Amazing Health Benefits of Niacin (Vitamin B3)

Niacin (vitamin B3) is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for heart health, brain health and skin health. It is used to treat high cholesterol and triglyceride level, high blood pressure and depression.
Niacin is also known as nicotinic acid, nicotinamide and vitamin PP because it prevents the onset of pellagra, a condition that is caused by deficiency of niacin.
Vitamin B3 is not stored in the body, hence it is important to consume niacin-rich foods daily to prevent its deficiency.

Health Benefits of Niacin (Vitamin B3)

Below mentioned are some amazing health benefits of niacin:

Niacin Increases Good Cholesterol Level

Our body needs good HDL cholesterol to protect the heart and to reduce the risk of heart diseases. Scientific studies have found that treatment with niacin or vitamin B3 can raise the level of HDL cholesterol by 16 to 25%.
Furthermore, it lowers the level of LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol and triglycerides, which are the major risk factors for heart diseases and stroke.
Niacin enhances the metabolism of fat and decreases its storage in the body. By doing so, more fat is used as a source of energy for the body. It inhibits the enzymes that promote the formation of triglycerides and cholesterol in the body.
Niacin decreases the clearance of apolipoprotein A-1, a protein that is associated with increased production of HDL cholesterol and decreased the production of LDL and VLDL cholesterol.
However, studies have found that the cholesterol-lowering effect of niacin was not effective when niacin intake was paired with statin treatment.

Niacin for a Healthy Skin

Niacin is an excellent skin-friendly vitamin. It boosts hydration levels in individuals with dry skin. This vitamin enhances water content in the skin and makes it soft, supple and lustrous.
It is an anti-aging vitamin that fights signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, and dark spots. Niacin further improves skin elasticity and helps in reducing redness of the skin and hyper-pigmentation.
It increases the production of keratin, a protein that protects the skin against damage and helps in retaining healthy skin.
Niacin possesses anti-inflammatory effects against acne and skin irritation by suppressing the formation of inflammatory compounds. Getting enough niacin from foods and supplements might help in improving overall skin appearance.

Anti-Depressant Role of Niacin

Niacin has an amazing ability to reduce anxiety and depression and it is a natural alternative to anti-depressants that have various side-effects.
Niacin increases the blood flow towards the brain, which can benefit individuals with depression. It further protects the brain cells and nerve cells against damage by toxic substances.
Besides this, niacin boosts the synthesis of serotonin, a brain chemical that improves mood and social behavior. Individuals with high levels of serotonin have a higher sense of well-being and happiness, whereas a low level of serotonin can lead to anxiety and depression.
Niacin further helps in limiting inflammation of brain cells by deactivating the action of inflammatory compounds. Thus, individuals with depression can benefit by increasing their intake of niacin-rich foods.

Niacin Fights Cancer

Niacin reduces the progression of cancer and it may be helpful in fighting against the disease. It inhibits the formation of inflammatory substances that otherwise worsen the condition.
Niacin reduces oxidative stress and destabilizes free radicals, which is a major causative factor for cancer. It further plays an important role in DNA- damage repair and dramatically decreases the risk of cancer.
Scientific studies have found that niacin converts the food you eat into energy for the cells and the body. Thus, it can help individuals with cancer to stay energized and may further improve fatigue symptoms in them.

Role of Niacin in Alzheimer’s Disease

Research has found an inverse relationship between Alzheimer’s disease and intake of niacin-rich foods. It was further found that individuals with a low intake of niacin were at a greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, as compared to individuals with higher niacin intake.
It benefits the brain by improving memory and cognitive function. It further stimulates the brain and slows down mental decline.
Niacin protects the brain cells against damage and improves antioxidant function in the brain. Adequate intake of niacin improves blood flow towards the brain and thus, it boosts brain health.
Hence, niacin intake improves social behavior, reduces confusion and enhances the quality of life of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease.

Niacin Enhances Heart Health

Niacin is very famous for its use in the treatment of heart diseases. It plays a vital role in increasing HDL ‘good’ cholesterol, which is heart-protective. Niacin also reduces the risk of heart diseases by lowering the level of bad LDL cholesterol and VLDL cholesterol and triglycerides, which are the major risk factors for heart attack and strokes.
It suppresses the expression of inflammatory compounds that otherwise worsen heart health. Thus, it is essential to protect the heart by making foods rich in niacin a part of your daily diet.

Other Health Benefits Of Niacin

Studies have found a few more health benefits of niacin, such as:
  • Niacin reduces symptoms of arthritis
  • It enhances absorption of carbohydrates, protein, and fat
  • It improves symptoms of schizophrenia
  • It widens the arteries and helps in reducing high blood pressure
  • It enhances overall blood circulation
Note: Niacin has various side-effects on the body. Consult your doctor or health physician before starting with niacin supplements.

7 Amazing Health Benefits of Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5)

Pantothenic acid, also known as vitamin B5 is an important B-complex vitamin required by the body for the basic processes of life. It converts carbohydrates, proteins, and fat from the food we eat into energy sources.
It also plays an important role in the production of hormones and in building a strong immune system. Deficiency of pantothenic acid is linked to body weakness, tiredness, high blood pressure and increased oxidative stress. For a healthy body, it is essential to get your daily dose of pantothenic acid from pantothenic acid-rich foods.

Health Benefits of Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5)
Here are 7 excellent reasons to include pantothenic acid-rich sources in your daily diet:

Anti-Acne Effect of Pantothenic Acid

Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 is a promising water-soluble B-complex vitamin that helps in reducing facial acne lesions. It protects the outer layer of the skin against damage caused by environmental toxins.
Pantothenic acid restores hydration and makes the skin soft and supple. Evidence-based studies have found that treatment with pantothenic acid supplements for more than 12 weeks decreased 67% of facial lesions.
Such an effect of pantothenic acid is attributed to its anti-bacterial potential. Bacteria causes acne, leading to skin breakouts and redness of the skin. It reduces acne by suppressing the action of inflammatory compounds and by inhibiting the progression of inflammatory reactions.
Getting an adequate supply of pantothenic via diet and supplements can help in the treatment of acne.

Improves Lipid Profile

Pantothenic acid is safe and effective for individuals with high level of total and LDL cholesterol and high triglyceride level. High level of LDL and VLDL ‘bad’ cholesterol in the blood increases the risk of heart diseases and stroke.
This vitamin inhibits the enzyme that enhances the production of cholesterol in the body. Beneficial micro-organisms present in the gut help in lowering high cholesterol level in the body. It has been reported that pantothenic acid promotes the growth and survival of these bacteria.
Furthermore, pantothenic acid enhances the breakdown of fat in the body, promotes its use for the purpose of energy and reduces the storage of fat in the body. Individuals with altered lipid profile must also focus on the regular intake of pantothenic acid-rich foods in addition to the low-fat diet. (2)

Beneficial For Heart Health

Pantothenic acid plays an important role in keeping the heart in normal working condition. It is very well-known that high level of cholesterol in the body increases the risk of heart health. Pantothenic acid protects the heart by maintaining the cholesterol level within normal range.
This B-complex vitamin further lowers high blood pressure. It widens the arteries and ensures smooth blood flow throughout the body. This reduces stress and workload on the heart and prevents weakening of the heart.
It further maintains healthy heart health by counteracting the build-up of harmful plaque in the arteries. Hence, pantothenic acid is essential for individuals with poor heart health.

Builds Stamina:

Deficiency of vitamin B5 is associated with generalized malaise, a feeling of weakness, discomfort and lack of energy to perform daily activities. The pantothenic acid produces an enzyme that converts the nutrients from the food you eat into energy for the body to use. It increases muscle strength and decreases body fatigue and tiredness. It helps in re-building the tissues and keeps the metabolism functioning at optimal levels. Eating foods rich in pantothenic acid can re-energize your body and keep you active.

Enhances Hair Growth

Pantothenic acid is an amazing vitamin for hair. It boosts proper hair growth and improves the texture of hair by moisturizing it. Besides this, pantothenic acid prevents premature graying of hair and helps in restoring natural hair color.
It further accelerates production of melanin, which provides the hair with its natural color. Pantothenic acid regulates the functioning of sebum glands that keep the hair healthy, shiny and moisturized.
It also fights inflammation and inactivates the action of inflammatory compounds that otherwise damage the hair and affect its texture. Thus, consuming food sources loaded with pantothenic acid can benefit the hair.

Reduces High Blood Pressure:

A deficiency of pantothenic acid is associated with a rise in the blood pressure. Therefore, it is essential to nourish your body with adequate amount of pantothenic acid to maintain blood pressure within normal range.
It acts as a vasodilator which widens the arteries and makes sure that the blood flows smoothly all throughout the body. Such an action of pantothenic acid reduces stress or strain on the inner walls of the arteries.
Furthermore, pantothenic acid is vital for maintaining the optimum function of the adrenal glands. An increase in the blood pressure is observed if adrenal glands do not work properly. Hence, along with low-sodium diets, hypertensives must pay special attention towards the pantothenic acid intake.

Protects Against Inflammation

Inflammation is thought to be the culprit behind various diseases. Pantothenic acid blocks the inflammatory processes and helps in the treatment and management of various diseases and disorders. This vitamin further plays an important role in reducing the concentration of inflammatory compounds.
Pantothenic acid has an antioxidant effect in the inflammatory process. During chronic inflammation, free radicals become more active and cause damage to the body. Pantothenic acid deactivates the free radicals, protects the body and promotes good health.

7 Amazing Health Benefits of Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is a water-soluble vitamin that has positive effects on various aspects of health such as the skin, heart, brain, kidneys, hormones and immune system.
It fights fatigue, depression, mood swings, anxiety, anemia, and arthritis. Because it plays an essential role in human health, the inclusion of vitamin B6-rich foods in your regular diet is of great significance.

Health Benefits of Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)

Below mentioned are 7 excellent health benefits of vitamin B6:

Important For A Healthy Menstrual Cycle

Pyridoxine or vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a vital role in maintaining hormonal balance. It is believed that vitamin B6 relieves symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) which include depression, irritability, lack of energy and anxiety.
It reduces the severity of PMS and improves the overall quality of life. Studies have further revealed that consuming vitamin B6-rich foods on a regular basis decreases physical symptoms of PMS such as heart palpitations, bloating and edema.
Vitamin B6 regulates the mood and fends off depression. It enhances the secretion of serotonin, a feel-good hormone that reduces stress, anxiety and depression and uplifts mood.
Furthermore, intake of vitamin B6 reduces craving for sweets which is otherwise common during this phase. Hence, this amazing water-soluble vitamin can be regarded as the first line of defense in the treatment of PMS.

Pyridoxine For A Beautiful Skin

Vitamin B6 is essential for the maintenance and development of skin. Deficiency of this vitamin is associated with dermatitis and poor skin health.
Vitamin B6 enhances the production of collagen, a skin protein that plays a vital role in strengthening the skin and keeps it looking younger. It is also useful in the treatment of skin diseases such as psoriasis and melanoma.
Vitamin B6 restores hydration, moisturizes the skin and improves the overall texture of the skin. It fights inflammation and deactivates the harmful reactions caused by the presence of excess inflammatory compounds.
Pyridoxine is an important component of various skin-care products too.

Treats Asthma

Research has observed significant improvements in asthmatic individuals following vitamin B6 treatment. Such a treatment reduced the dosage of anti-asthmatic medications and use of bronchodilators.
Higher levels of tryptophan, an essential amino acid is found in asthmatics as compared to healthy individuals. A block in the tryptophan metabolism produces substances that cause constriction of the airways and cause difficulty in breathing. Furthermore, these substances reduce immune-enhancing compounds and thus, contribute to asthma.
Insufficiency of vitamin B6 impairs tryptophan metabolism. Getting adequate vitamin B6 is highly beneficial for asthmatics because it increases the excretion of harmful substances that trigger asthma.

Protects The Heart

Poor nutritional status of vitamin B6 is a common finding in individuals with heart diseases. In other words, vitamin B6 insufficiency is associated with the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
High level of homocysteine in the blood increases your chance of having heart diseases. Vitamin B6 enhances the breakdown of homocysteine and protects your heart against damage.
It further prevents the onset of heart diseases by lowering high blood pressure and maintaining it within normal range. Vitamin B6 enhances the activity of antithrombin, a protein that inhibits clot formation and ensures smooth blood flow throughout the body without putting any additional stress on the heart.

Improves Lipid Profile

Individuals with altered lipid profile should make vitamin B6-rich foods a part of their daily diet. Vitamin B6 enhances the breakdown of fat from the food you eat into energy. It further boosts use of fat as a source of energy and prevents its accumulation in the body.
High intake of vitamin B6 helps in lowering total cholesterol and ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol and triglyceride level. It enhances the activity of enzymes that promote the breakdown of fat and inhibit synthesis of cholesterol in the blood.
Carnitine, a chemical compound helps in the breakdown of fat and prevents its deposition in the body. Production of carnitine depends on the presence of vitamin B6. Hence, vitamin B6 plays a crucial role in improving overall lipid profile.

Fights Anemia

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is helpful in the treatment of anemia. Deficiency of vitamin B6 may cause severe anemia and can destruct red blood cells.
Erythropoiesis is a process in which red blood cells are produced in the body. During insufficiency of vitamin B6, erythropoiesis is impaired, which in turn reduces the production of blood cells. This causes anemia and may lead to fatigue, weakness, pale skin, irritability, lack of concentration and headache.
Intake of foods rich in vitamin B6 and its supplements helps in normalizing hemoglobin values. Hence, anemia caused due to deficiency of vitamin B6 can be prevented by getting this vitamin in adequate amounts in your diet.

Treats Kidney Stones

Supplementing with vitamin B6 reduces the risk of kidney stone formation and its recurrence. The likelihood of crystal formation increases when the excretion of oxalate in the urine is high.
High doses of vitamin B6 have reported a decrease in the excretion of oxalate in the urine. Hence, high intake of vitamin B6 has a positive impact on individuals with calcium oxalate stones.

9 Amazing Health Benefits of Biotin (Vitamin B7)

Biotin, also known as vitamin B7 and formerly known as vitamin H is a water-soluble vitamin. Biotin is required by the body to metabolize carbohydrates, protein, and fat.
It also plays an important role in strengthening the nails and hair and in enhancing overall skin health. Thus, it is a vital part of various cosmetic products that are used for skin and hair.
Biotin deficiency is rare, and one can get their dose of biotin by consuming biotin-rich foods regularly.

Health Benefits of Biotin (Vitamin B7)

Mentioned below are the evidence-based health benefits of biotin:

Biotin and Glycemic Control

A good glycemic control is a vital approach for reducing the complications of diabetes. Biotin helps in the management of diabetes by enhancing the secretion of insulin. This vitamin has a positive effect on beta-cells (producers of insulin) which in turn improves insulin function in muscles.
Biotin further reduces insulin resistance and boosts uptake of glucose by cells and muscles for energy. Biotin also regulates the expression of ‘glucokinase’, a glucose sensor that recognizes a rise in the blood glucose level and accordingly increases the release of insulin from the pancreas. This helps in improving glycemic control.
Hence, along with oral hypoglycemic drugs, biotin can be used in the management of diabetes mellitus in individuals with poor glycemic control.

Blood-Pressure Lowering Role of Biotin

Biotin plays an important role in lowering high blood pressure. Treatment with biotin has shown to reduce systolic blood pressure.
It decreases the thickening of the arteries and ensures smooth blood flow all throughout the body. Hence, consuming biotin-rich foods might be beneficial for individuals with high blood pressure.

Anti-Epileptic Potential of Biotin

Individuals with biotin deficiency caused by inborn metabolic disorders exhibit neurological symptoms such as seizures and visual and hearing problems. Treatment of such individuals with biotin lowers the frequency of seizures.
Another study showed that biotin levels were low in individuals (without biotinidase deficiency) who were on anti-epileptic drugs. Such a reduction in biotin levels can cause biotin deficiency. It was found that consumption of biotin rich sources reduces the risk of biotin deficiency and further decreases the side-effects of anti-epileptic drugs.
Thus, it can be concluded that biotin reduces seizures and improves the quality of life of individuals with epilepsy.

Treats Seborrheic Dermatitis

Studies have revealed the fact that biotin functions as a cure for seborrheic dermatitis, a condition of the skin in which scaly, red patches appear on the scalp. It was found that administration of biotin completely cleared skin lesions.
It helps the skin heal faster and promotes the growth of new skin cells. Fat is required to improve the health of skin cells. It keeps the skin plump, younger-looking and hydrated. Biotin enhances the metabolism of fatty acid and keeps skin problems at bay.

Management of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disease in which the protective covering of the nerves gets disrupted. This further has a negative impact on the brain and spinal cord.
Biotin has demonstrated promising positive effects in individuals with multiple sclerosis. Biotin activates carboxylase, an enzyme that helps in the synthesis of fatty acids. These fatty acids further repair the outer covering of the nerves.
Biotin also enhances energy production in neurons, which further improves the condition

Metabolic Homeostasis

Biotin is an all-rounder vitamin that plays various vital roles in the human body. This vitamin activates five enzymes that play a huge role in:
  • Gluconeogenesis, formation of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources such as amino acids and glycerol
  • Fatty acid metabolism where fats are broken down to release energy
  • Amino acid metabolism in which amino acids are used for the purpose of energy
In other words, biotin plays an important role in balancing various body processes. Hence, it is essential to consume foods rich in biotin to maintain metabolic homeostasis.

Relieves Muscle Cramps

Renal failure patients undergoing dialysis have muscle cramps very often. One interesting research has found that biotin possesses effective anti-cramp benefits.
It reduces the severity of muscle pain and sudden contraction of muscles. It enhances nerve function and improves blood circulation towards muscles.

Lowers High Cholesterol Levels

It has been found that a combination of chromium and biotin reduces total and LDL (bad) cholesterol in individuals with altered lipid profile. A drop in the triglycerides was also observed in such individuals.
A greater effect was observed in clinical studies when individuals were treated with statins, drugs used to lower cholesterol as well as biotin. Getting enough biotin is important for individuals with high cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Improves Heart Health

Biotin is a heart-friendly vitamin because it protects the heart against inflammation, atherosclerosis, and stroke. It helps in controlling the risk factors for heart diseases such as high blood glucose level, altered lipid profile and high blood pressure.
It further reduces Atherogenic index, an important marker of cardiovascular diseases. Hence, biotin plays a crucial role in lowering the risk factors associated with heart diseases.

6 Amazing Health Benefits of Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)

Folic acid or vitamin B9 is an important vitamin for the proper functioning of the brain, production of red blood cells and the formation of DNA.
This vitamin is essential for pregnant women, infant, and adolescents because it helps in the growth and development of cells and tissues. A diet low in folic acid may cause anemia, which makes you tired, weak and pale.
Eating foods rich in folic acid reduce the production of unhealthy compounds in the body that otherwise increases the risk of heart diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, high cholesterol level and hypertension.

Health Benefits of Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)

Let us now look at the health benefits of folic acid:

Folic Acid and Pregnancy

Folic acid is important for a healthy pregnancy. Consuming folic acid-rich foods before pregnancy can boost fertility and enhance your chances of getting pregnant.
The requirement of folic acid increases during pregnancy because it plays an essential role in the growth and development of the fetus.
Deficiency of folic acid during this phase is associated with abnormalities such as peripheral neuropathy and anemia in pregnant women and congenital abnormalities in fetuses.
Getting enough folic acid before and during early pregnancy can prevent neural tube defects, birth defects of the brain and spinal cord.
The recommended dietary allowance for folic acid in pregnant women is- 500 micrograms/ day.

Folic Acid Lowers Bad Cholesterol

Folic acid plays a beneficial role in lowering high cholesterol level. Bile is a substance which is required for the digestion of fat and it is produced in the body from cholesterol.
Folic acid helps in lowering cholesterol level by increasing the excretion of bile from the body via feces. The body then uses more cholesterol to produce bile. By doing so, the cholesterol level in the body reduces.
Folic acid also enhances the metabolism of fat. Thus, fat is used as a source of energy and less of it is stored in the body and converted to bad cholesterol.
Along with a low-fat diet and good quality fat intake, folic acid rich foods might help individuals with high cholesterol level.

Blood Pressure-Lowering Effect of Folic Acid

High blood pressure increases the risk of heart diseases and stroke. Research has found a positive link between the high level of homocysteine, a substance that can damage the inner lining of the blood vessels and high blood pressure.
Homocysteine increases oxidative stress by increasing the production of free radicals. This results in a reduction of nitric oxide, a natural vasodilator that helps in the widening of the arteries.
Intake of folic acid reduces the level of homocysteine in the blood. Folic acid possesses antioxidant properties that eliminate free radicals and help in lowering blood pressure.
It further helps in the relaxation of blood vessels and enhances smooth blood flow. Hence, low sodium diet should be clubbed with high folic acid intake for better management of high blood pressure.

Folic Acid Reduces the Risk of Heart Diseases

Low level or deficiency of folic acid is associated with high level of homocysteine in the blood. Such a high level of homocysteine causes damage to the blood vessels and formation of blood clots. These factors may lead to heart disease.
Blood clots obstruct the flow of blood and may cause a heart attack. Increasing the intake of folic acid reduces homocysteine level, hardening of arteries and in turn, lowers the risk of heart diseases and stroke.

Folic Acid Protects Against Alzheimer’s Disease

Scientific studies have found that individuals with high intake of folic acid are at a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
Increased level of homocysteine in the blood doubles the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. It causes damage to the DNA of nerve cells present in the brain.
Folic acid is one such B-vitamin that is very effective in lowering high level of homocysteine. It enhances the health of brain cells and nerve cells in the brain.
Folic acid also protects the area of the brain that controls memory and learning. Hence, eating folic acid-rich foods can protect the brain against damage and prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

Treats Depression

Deficiency of folic acid is positively linked to depression, mood swings, and anxiety.
Eating foods high in folic acid may potentiate the action of antidepressants. Whereas, individuals with low folic acid levels respond poorly to antidepressants.
Folic acid indirectly enhances the production of brain chemicals such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. These brain chemicals improve mood and contribute to happiness and wellbeing.
A deficiency of these chemicals may lead to depression. The main cause of deficiency of brain chemicals can be an elevated level of homocysteine. Folic acid lowers the level of homocysteine in the body and thus, it fights depression and anxiety.

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Cobalamin (Vitamin B12)

Vitamin B12 or cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin which is required by the body for a healthy brain, nervous system and red blood cells. This vitamin benefits your heart, mood, skin, hair, digestion and energy levels.
Lack of vitamin b12 can show up symptoms such as tiredness, fatigue, depression, stress and mood disorders. Vegetarians, heavy alcohol drinkers, pregnant women and elderly depend on vitamin B12 supplements to meet the requirement and to prevent its deficiency.

Health Benefits of Cobalamin (Vitamin B12)

Below mentioned are important functions of vitamin B12 in the body:

Management of Diabetic Complications

Diabetic neuropathy is common in individuals with long-standing diabetes. It affects the nerves and can cause damage throughout the body. Worsening of diabetic neuropathy is observed among individuals with vitamin B12 deficiency.
A lack of vitamin B12 can degenerate the spinal cord and cause damage to the nerves. Furthermore, insufficiency of this vitamin destroys myelin, outer protective covering that surrounds the nerves of the spinal cord and brain.
Vitamin B12 helps in minimizing symptoms associated with diabetic neuropathy, which includes numbness, pain, tingling and prickling. Some anti-diabetic medication such as metformin interferes with the absorption of vitamin B12. Therefore, consuming vitamin B12-rich foods or taking supplements might benefit diabetics.

Treats Depressive Disorder

Vitamin B12 plays a crucial role in neurological function. Its deficiency is associated with depression, irritability, personality change and anxiety.
Literature has found a positive link between vitamin B12 deficiency and depression. High levels of homocysteine, an amino acid has a direct effect on brain chemicals implicated in depression. Treatment with vitamin B12 lowers homocysteine and inflammation associated with it.
It enhances the production of brain chemicals that help in maintaining brain function and boost positive mood. Without adequate vitamin B12, brain chemicals cannot be released at normal rates. Therefore, signs and symptoms of poor mental and emotional health such as depression can arise.
Hence, treatment of depressive disorders with anti-depressants and vitamin B12 can improve overall well-being of individuals with depression.

Lowers High Cholesterol Level

Deficiency of vitamin B12 is associated with altered lipid profile. Vitamin B12 inhibits accumulation of fat in the body. It boosts the breakdown of fat from the food you eat and helps in obtaining energy from it.
Instead of storing fat in the body and elevating cholesterol level vitamin B12 uses fat to provide fuel for the body. Studies have further confirmed that synthesis of cholesterol was more in individuals with vitamin B12 deficiency.

Prevents Anemia

Lack of vitamin B12 reduces the production of red blood cells in the body and causes anemia. This can make you look pale and feel tired and weak.
Getting enough vitamin B12 helps in the production of red blood cells. Improving your diet by adding vitamin B12-rich food sources or taking supplements can prevent the onset of anemia.

Treats Chronic Cough

Insufficiency of vitamin B12 causes laryngeal hyperresponsiveness and chronic cough. Such a deficiency favors sensory neuropathy, which in turn plays a role in chronic cough.
Individuals with lack of vitamin B12 are at a greater risk of nerve damage, inflammation of the larynx and constricted airflow. All these factors contribute to coughing.
Elevated homocysteine level, which is common during vitamin B12 deficiency is associated with high level of histamine. Such high levels in the respiratory tract results in chronic cough.
Administration of vitamin B12 supplements or eating healthy sources of vitamin B12 regularly can be beneficial for individuals with such a condition.

Protects Against Heart Disease

Elevated homocysteine concentration is a risk factor for heart diseases. Individuals with low intake of vitamin B12 are at a greater risk of having high levels of homocysteine and developing heart diseases.
Vitamin B12 promotes breakdown of homocysteine and keeps the level of this compound low. It further inhibits clot formation, damage to the arteries and oxidization of LDL cholesterol.
Adding vitamin B12 to your daily diet can lower homocysteine level by 7%. Not getting sufficient amount of vitamin B12 increases abnormal cholesterol levels. Such an increase blocks blood flow to the heart. This weakens the heart and puts it at a risk of heart attack or stroke.

Improves Cognitive Function

Literature has found that low levels of vitamin B12 is associated with accelerated cognitive decline and may contribute to Alzheimer’s disease.
Deficiency of vitamin B12 raises the level of homocysteine in the body which in turn has a negative effect on brain function, memory and ability to think. Homocysteine decreases acetylcholine, a vital brain chemical that acts as a messenger and assists in carrying signals to other cells. Imbalances in acetylcholine lowers the ability to form memories.
Vitamin B12 further helps in the development and maintenance of brain cells. Eating rich sources of this water-soluble vitamin also improves concentration, memory, learning and reasoning. Hence, vitamin B12 is essential for a healthy brain and elderly who are at a risk of dementia should consume good sources of vitamin B12.

Essential for a Healthy Skin

Vitamin B12 is a nourishing vitamin that is required to keep the skin healthy. It helps in reducing redness, acne, inflammation and blemishes. Vitamin B12 promotes regeneration of new skin cells and helps in repairing damaged cells. It combats dryness and dull skin by keeping it well hydrated and moisturized. It further keeps the hair healthy and strengthens the nails too.

Drinking Hot Water

Drinking hot water is one of the very good habits that suits most of the people. It is especially beneficial during night-time. Here is the original Ayurvedic reference which explains in great detail regarding benefits of hot water.

अष्टमेनांशशेषेण चतुर्थेन अर्धकेन वा । अथवा क्वथनेनैव सिद्धं उष्णोदकं वदेत ।
श्लेष्म आमवात मेदोघ्नं बस्ति शोधनदीपनं । कासश्वास ज्वरहरं पीतमुष्णोदकं निशि ॥ – शांर्गधर सम्हिता मधयम खण्ड 2/159 – 160
aṣṭamenāṃśaśeṣeṇa caturthena ardhakena vā |
athavā kvathanenaiva siddhaṃ uṣṇodakaṃ vadet |
śleṣma āmavāta medoghnaṃ basti śodhanadīpanaṃ |
kāsaśvāsa jvaraharaṃ pītamuṣṇodakaṃ niśi || – śāṃrgadhara samhitā madhayama khaṇḍa 2/159 – 160
English translation – Hot water is prepared by heating the water till it reduces to one eighth part or quarter part, or half part or just heating water till it reaches boiling point.
Benefits of hot water – Drinking hot water at night time is beneficial in diseases like Kapha related disorders, Amavata (compared to rheumatoid arthritis), decreases fat deposition in the body, cleanses the urinary bladder, useful in the treatment of cough and other respiratory diseases and fever.

How hot water acts?
According to Ayurveda, blockage of different body channels, big and minute, (such as respiratory system, cardiovascular system, etc) by the imbalanced Doshas is one of the major causes of disease manifestation. Hot water avoids this blockage and clears the blockage to an extent. Thus helping in preventing and/or treating diseases.
Hot water health benefits –
  1. It helps to improve digestion and to relieve indigestion.
  2. Hot water drinking at night before bed time is an excellent remedy to clear white coated tongue.
  3. Hot water drinking is one of the major dietary advice in the treatment of cold, cough, respiratory tract infections, Asthma, allergic disorders etc.
  4. Hot water drinking will reduce the frequency of repeated cold attacks especially in children.
  5. Hot water drinking is a very good soar throat remedy.
  6. Drinking a spoon of honey with a glass of water is recommended in obesity treatment.
  7. Whenever you eat oily food stuff, junk food, or consume ghee, drinking hot water will make  your tummy feel lighter. And also, it avoids fat absorption to an extent.
  8. Hot water cleanses bladder. So, it is the natural most and easily available bladder cleanse medicine.
  9. Hot water drinking at night is much recommended in the treatment of fever.
  10. Hot water drinking is highly recommended in cases of rheumatoid arthritis.
Effect of hot water on Doshas –
Hot water calms Vata and Kapha while it elevates Pitta.
Hot water relieves Aama. One of the root cause for most of the diseases.Some precautions and clarifications:
Regular hot water drinking is not advisable if you often suffer from heat and burning sensation (Pitta body type)
Ayurvedic medicines which are specifically told to be taken along with Hot water 
Generally hot water is advised after taking ghee or oil. It aids in easy digestion and avoids indigestion problem. In Ayuredic treatment with herbal ghees and oils, hot water is the preferred co dring.
Apart from them, there are a few specific Ayurvedic medicines where hot water is the most preferred co drink. they are –
Ajamodadi churna
Anthrakutharam gulika
Why hot water is always advised during Panchakarma treatment? 
Panchakarma treatment is the Ayurvedic procedure to relieve toxins, metabolic wastes from the body. It is done for both to maintain health and to relieve disease. There are many rules to follow during Panchakarma procedure, among which using hot water for drinking is very important.
The aim of Panchakarma therapy is to remove the vitiated Doshas (toxins) from the body. This can be likened to getting rid of stains from a vessel. When you want to get rid of very sticky stains from a steel vessel, often you prefer to use hot water rather than cold water. Like, in case of the vessel, in human body also, hot water helps to get rid of the body wastes pretty easily.
Involvement of GIT:In Panchakarma treatment, the gastro intestinal tract is always involved. Hence, digestive system is directly involved in the treatment process. Hence, during Panchakarma treatment, usually patient’s digestion power reduces. That is why, she is advised to take very light, easy-to-digest food items, after the Panchakarma treatment. Hot water tends to improve digestion strength when compared to cold water. Hence using hot water is a must before and after Panchakarma therapy.
Ghee consumption is part of the plan during pre-phase of Panchakarma. Whenever ghee or oily food is consumed, it is always advised to take hot water. It eases digestion and washes off the extra fat from the gut. So, limits its absorption based on body requirement.
Rationale of administering hot water during fever: 
Question: why hot water is administered during fever, though there is excess hotness in the body during fever?
Answer as per Charaka Samhita, Vimana Sthana, 3rd Chapter:
Lord Atreya replied, “Keeping in view physical advise the patient suffering from fever to take hot water so that the immaturely formed Doshas which are responsible for the disease may get matured. The site of origin of fever is Amashaya (stomach).
For the treatment of disease originated from the stomach, usually Pachaka (digestive), as well as emetic (Vamana) and Apatarpana (depleting) drugs are administered. It is because of this that the physician advises the patient suffering from fever to take hot water.
If hot water is taken, this results in a downward movement of Vata (flatus), stimulation of Agni (digestive enzymes), easy digestion (the hot water itself gets easily digested) and drying up of Kapha.
Contra indication of hot water during fever:
Even then, hot water is not given to those patients with excessive vitiation of Pitta or if there is burning sensation, dizziness, delirium and diarrhea. Hot things, lead to the burning sensation, giddiness, delirium and diarrhea. Only cold food and drinks are helpful in this situation.
Additional points by Vd. Rangaprasad Bhat:
Boiled water benefits:

The madanapAlanighaNTu over the context of PAnIyAdivarga explains the specifity and benefits of boiled water as follows.
The water is considered to be boiled properly and is ready for drinking when while boiling the froth subsides, the effervescence gets reduced and the water remains calm and still presenting a clear and transparent appearance of water inside the vessel.
The thus prepared boiled water when served hot or warm is light for digestion; augments the digestive fire and simultaneously cleanses it too.
The  boiled water pacifies all the three doShAs and acts both as digestive and carminative.
In general it is beneficial for persons suffering from pain over the ribs and flanks, rhinitis, distension of abdomen, hiccough due to vagus nerve irritation, vAtakaphaja diseases.
The water boiled until 1/4th (pAda hInaM) from the original quantity gets reduced, pacifies the  vAtaja diseases.
The water boiled until 1/2 (ardha hInaM) from the original quantity gets reduced, pacifies the  pittaja diseases.
The water boiled until 3/4th (tri-pAda hInaM) from the original quantity gets reduced, pacifies the  shleShmaja diseases; increases the agni; is light for digestion and acts good as an absorbent. It further breaks up the attenuation of the kapha from the combination of vAta and controls the vAta too.
In case of indigestion – the boiled water when partaken in hot or warm state over the night time (nishi kAle) increases the digestive capacity immediately and addresses the indigestion with good effect.
The pAdAvasheSha (1/4 reduced) water is to be partaken in summer and autumn seasons.
The ardha hIna (1/2 reduced) water is beneficial to human system when taken in winter, spring and rainy seasons.